Friday, January 25, 2008 @ 6:39 PM
Hwa Chong or National? I'm going nuts because of this.
I know Hwa Chong is a v good school, but National is not too bad either. If i go to Hwa Chong, the opportunity cost will be good friends, friendly teachers, cohesive class, and the conducive environment forgone. However, the marginal benefit of going to Hwa Chong is that maybe my future will be brighter. Okay, too much econs. Initially i've decided on staying in National but Surong suddenly msged me yesterday and told me that she's going to Hwa Chong. Now i have to go through all the thinking process again. zzz Make up your mind Cassandra!
Anyhow, we had a mini S09 outing yesterday with only 9/22 people there. Went to Fish & Co for lunch, with 8/9 of us ordering Fish and Chips with soup. Lol. Strolled to Marina after that to catch The house, which was a veryvery hilarious experience. LikTak was practically leaning on Minghan's shoulder + screaming when the ghost appeared. Hahahahah. & when you see Pamela being so calm throughout the movie, there's really a contrast. =/ Minghan was also listening to his Mp3 throughout the movie because normally it's the sound effect that's scary, so he's trying to cover them up. Funny. How can you protect your gf like that? Tsktsktsk.