PHOTOS! & quite a truckload of them.
Math tutor Mr Neo wasn't here today, so So9 took out our secret weapon and started snapping again. Everyone was so enthu and none was camera shy at all. So coolll.
Ok, so here you go......
08S09!~ lik tak is not paying attention.zzz
Ning the Tiger( Thai girl).
Allicia and Christabel.
Julia, Mi jie and Pamela.
Zhi xin + Ning. Zhi xin is always trying to look unglam.
Ying Hui! She's the first person i got to know in 08S09.
I shall not reveal their identity, they don't really look glam here. haha.
Lisa! She has a
evil twin sister, so cool right!
Hello Jiayi. She's a taiwanese, and that reminds me of kristine. x.x
Lik tak is trying to be funny ...... xiao hua.
2 Mgs + 1 Chung Cheng.
HAHA. This photo is funnnny.
Lisa requested that i do the same thing that i did to ning (as above) to her. Hahah.
In preparation for....
THIS. Soooo act cool.
I realise Mi jie likes to be unglam too.
Then they tried out the jump shot. hahah
I don't know what is this. hahah.
We are just trying to show some contrast over here.
As well as over here.
Attempting the constipated look.
This is uhhh, Sindhu carrying christabel. x.x
Class photo...! See, xiao hua is trying to be funny again.
The powerpuff girls.
ok, these are all the photos i have.
08S09 will definitely be very different if any one of us leaves. Everyone Should Stay!
Ohya, I forgot to add that I love Sindhu because she bears with my craziness and even ------- ----- ---with me! hahah, I know sindhu can fill in the blanks. She's sooooooo nice.