Saturday, January 19, 2008 @ 8:19 PM
House outing at Sentosa yesterday was so much fun, although i didn't get to play much beach vball. Og9 is a bunch of interesting people and I think Aqua's signature " sooo cool/sexy/hot/whatever" catch phrase is really "sooo cool". hahah. I guess i don't make any sense to anyone except njcians here. haha. Ok i shall just upload some photos because i still need to complete my 20 chemistry questions by today. Anyway, i'm stuck at balancing NO2 + H2O -> NO + HNO3 for very very long and i still can't figure it out, i think i'm turning retarded.

O level Results are coming this Thursday and according to like, everyone, I should just cool down and don't get so worked up everytime someone mentions about results. Ok, so from now on, i shall try to stay calm. I am not afraid of o's results in any way! hahah