Monday, January 07, 2008 @ 2:09 AM

OH MAN I MISS OG 24. WHY MUST THEY SEPARATE US.zzzz I miss all of them, including the ogls. They are such nice ppl, and they really gives you the feeling that you alr know them for many years although it's only 2 days. Though it sounds cliche but it's true. You can just turn and chat with whoever that's beside you because we are like so close, so unlike my new og, where the people from the same school form their own clique. Not much interaction. Anddd!, i miss the tyraz cheer omggg. Tyraz Tyraz Tyraz Tyraz woom ba baaaa, la la la la la la la....... Tyraz's cheer is the cutest. Couldn't stop doing that cheer with Yan Hui and Melinda on the bus just now, haha.
Well, tmr we'll be dirty and wet because there will be station games. I hope someone doesn't smash a tomato or some eggs or whatever on me. And i have dance audition tmr, think there will be a whole lot of ppl cause the audition is to be held at the hall. zzzz Wish me luck okay!