The Quest made us look like idiots walking all over Jurong east and Bugis, however it was really fun and is definitely a very memorable experience.
Our race started from Jurong east Mrt station 8am in the morning. Being something like amazing race, we were given a clue and we'll have to figure out where that place is and to get there as fast as possible. The first clue was a puzzle which showed the words BFG. It was quite abstract but being at Jurong East reminds us of IMM, and IMM reminds us of Giant. And ha!, we figured out that it was " Big, Friendly Giant". So we rushed there and were given another task. We were supposed to decode a set of numbers and i think my group members are really smart, they actually managed to decode it and it turned out to be "Nestle Kit Kat". So the guys are supposed to go down to giant and get a kit kat while we line ourselves up, break the kit kat into half and then pass it from mouth to mouth from the back to the front of the row.
Then repeat it with the other half from the front to the back, the last person will have to eat it. It was damn disgusting, imagine eating 21 people's saliva with melted chocolate. The last person was really suay.
I find this photo so funny.
And again. hahah. Okay la, i shouldn't be so bad. Don't laugh at him ok!
After completing our task we went to somewhere near Creative, where we had to do our mass dance under the Mrt track. zzz Malu la.
Then we proceeded to Science centre and played with one of the instrument where someone speaks into the centre of the upright plate and the other person like 100metres opposite him infront of another upright plate is supposed to listen to him and pass down what he said. Then we'll pass down the msg one by one until it reaches the last 5 people and they will stand on to the spinning thing and shout out the msg.

After that we walked all the way to YuHua community centre for a game. THe ogl will tell us something like 'put 13 legs, 3 heads, 5 hands, 2 cheeks on the floor' and we are supposed to only put that number to legs, head, hands, cheeks on the floor. It involved a lot of strategizing and seriously, it was real funny.

We returned to jurong east mrt station after that because we didn't have enough time to complete the whole thing there, so we missed out 2 stations. Then we took the Mrt and went down to bugis for the next half of the race.
Our first stop at bugis was sim lim tower. I don't know how my og figured out it was sim lim tower because the clue was " a tower full of squares". I don't get that, i think they got it by randomly guessing too. haha. And yeah, they made us do chicken dance in the public infront of Sim Lim tower, pffff.
Ok then we walked to a place opposite Bank of China, did some silly stuff again before moving on to Singapore Arts Museum and it started pouring. And here comes the exciting part. hahah. PONCHOS! They felt that they are ready to fight the Rain.
So they ran out into the Rain very eagerly to try out their ponchos, apparent it was their first time wearing a poncho. hahah. Anyway, these two ogls look quite alike in this photo, like a replica of each other, dont you think?
These are the poncho people, the others are holding umbrellas. I'm one of the poncho people. hahah.
We walked all the way from the Bank of China to the concourse, braving the Rain, only to be told that the ogls have left due to the weather. Funny. So we went to our next station where we were supposed to tie our shoe laces together and walk in the muddy field for about 50 metres while it was still raining.

This station marks the end of The Quest for og9. So we went back to school after that, feeling tired, hungry, cold and wet but at least more bonded than before. And we just love the 'who, hur, what, is it?' game. hahah.

Hello, I love you.