Thursday, February 07, 2008 @ 7:11 AM
I'm done with my visiting alr, 'cause there's only one place to visit this year. So i'll most probably spend the rest of the holiday going for class outings/kbox with xy and sr/movies/sleeping.
Hao de, i shall upload some photos.

- I like her, she's a very caring sister! Though she's only 8.
This little boy here was so reluctant to remove his extra shirt, even though it was so warm because he was too shy and did not want to show us his muscles. hahahah.
This is the self proclaimed princess. She really thinks she is okay, and she thinks she's the prettiest girl. SO EGO.
Playing with Sparkers is a new year must-do for my family, and it is usually how we end our reunion. Too bad nobody suggested going for an overnight mahjong session this year, so we went home instead. So yeah, that's all for new year.