Sunday, March 23, 2008 @ 5:46 AM
Rule #1 with Xinying yo.
Hah. I finally caught Rule No 1, after getting rejected by many people who do not want to watch with me cause they are afraid. zzzz.This shows that Xinying is the brave one, ha. We are the brave ones, though we covered our eyes with our hands almost throughout the whole movie.

okay, off to watch S pop.
You ruined my day you asshole.
You're just jealous of losing to someone else. Egotism is in your blood, admit it, and you will never change. You are just a loser, A Sore Loser. Unable to accept the fact that you are not as good as you think you are, unable to accept the fact that someone has actually defeated you.
-"You look really innocent, but i didn't you are such a experienced player!" What kinda Nonsense, and what kinda English?( This is the original sentence, I made no amendments) Trying to insult me? I don't really understand what you are trying to put across srsly. When did I ever cheat your feelings for fuck's sake? I've never ever said that I have feelings for you. They are just your own assumptions, probably due to your ego-ness again. Hate me? ha, you just made me hate you too. You brought it upon yourself, you brought everything upon yourself.
Fuck off, you irritate and disgust me.