Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 7:29 AM
Random Photos Alert.
This was taken quite a long ago during the s09 class bbq at Yinghui's condo.
And this is
Ming Han with his funny face.
This was taken during the 2nd day of orientation in Hc. That's Sammy by the way.
Ning with v nice oreo cheesecake on " unhealthy food day"
This was taken on the day I went back to crash Nj because hc's orientation was too boring. Oh man, I miss Mr Neo....He's like the funniest teacher ever- thanks lor.
And this is Hc's clock tower.
& their track.
This was taken this afternoon when I chionged back to nj for the last time.
Zhi xin with her usual Unglam and retarded face.
08S09(!!!!) Class gathering at Island Creamery today. The more I meet them, the more I miss them cause they are such great people. But still, I'll meet them, cause I love them.....! I'll remember ' keneh went to the toi-LET and saw some stuidents eating straw berrriessss' hahahahah.
Anyway, Happy leap year! Maybe 08s09 should have gatherings on this v special day every 4 years in the future.