Friday, March 21, 2008 @ 7:00 AM
School's getting better.
I guess I've alr gotten used to those people who use to irritate me in the past, so I will love hc more and more. yay.
We had Cip on Thursday where we went to somewhere near whispering heart student care at jurong to set up stalls, something like a mini fun fair. My class made and sold cotton candies and we earned quite a lot of $ cause children just love cotton candies.
A few of us had to take care of a child each and my kid was a 9 year old girl. She's really very very cute(and pretty) i tell you. She was quite shy at first, but began to open up after awhile and we started talking. Her maturity shocked me seriously. I remember she told me that she doesn't want to get married in the future cause she's afraid the guy will cheat on her and that if her boyfriend is very handsome, many girls will flirt with him and she'll be very jealous. Like, I don't even think about such things when i was in primary 4. I thought relationships are fairytales back then, but she thought otherwise. She also said that she thinks life is diffcult and she's v stressed now, can you imagine my reaction to her remark? Crazy ah, primary 4 also stress, I was so carefree back then, going to school for the sole reason of playing. And! She has a handphone and it's filled with her own zi lian photos. Can you believe a primary 4 kid zi lian-ing omg? But she's still very cute. So before she left for school we exchanged phone number and she actually called me yesterday night and said that she misses me, aww so sweet. I was on the phone with her for 1 hr and I still can't believe that I can actually chat with a 9 year old girl for 1 hr on the phone, I'm like 7 years older than her.( Fine lor Julia and Jin xue, I know I am old...) Anyway I realise that Society is sooo different now, I was so innocent back then zzzz.
Here's a photo of us.
She took my phone and started to zi lian later.Lol.
And these are some photos we took last week(?)

And the photos I took on thursday :

Here comes 08s09 outing...!
Happy birthday Pam and Mijie!
We went for lunch at cathay, then pool at marina square and then dinner at han's. I got updated on some juicy gossips which are quite cool hahah and I just love gg out with them la. More outings more outings!

The mrt trip back home was enjoyable cause the guys tried to be funny( and they were). Kenneth was like" eh Zhi xin you have white hair" and Ming han went " Ya really! I pull out for you so see, if it's not white hair I put back" and then he tugged at one whole bunch of hair.haha! Then Zi chao said that since 3 more white hair will grow for every 1 that you pull out, you should pull out the black ones so that more black ones will grow. hahaha. It is hen hao xiao de lor.
Let's have another outing on the first week of april okay!