Sunday, March 30, 2008 @ 12:36 AM
I think I'm getting quite busy,though I still dont have a cca due to Julia and my indecisiveness. Lol Sooo It's quite difficult to find time to blog these days. x.x I shall just upload some photos for today since i dont really have the mood to blog.
Class outing last week:

Some girls bought soft toys( elmo, cookie monster and Qi zai) for the guys and I think this is the cutest thing on Earth, I'm going to get one. haha.

I was holding on to it throughout the whole outing ha.

These were taken on friday

It depicts Cookie monster drinking correction fluid with qi zai smelling his butt.

A happy cookie monster with a not-so-happy Qi Zai and not-very-happy hc students cause it says "Announcements 1)Lecture test" on the screen behind.

And lastly Julia with her friend.
Okay I shall go mug for econs now.