Friday, March 12, 2010 @ 5:12 AM
I know that I'll not miss this job because i'm just not a very 'Kindergarten teacher' person. Hah, but I know that I'm going to miss the kids. I'll miss how they call me "Rui Qi jiejie" even if what follows is " I want to peepee." Somehow when i sang my last 'Zai Jian Ge' (goodbye song) just now I almost burst out in tears, probably because i'll never be able to hear the cacophonous chorus of the kids anymore. But oh well, they're so young, they'll probably forget about me in 2 weeks' (hopefully longer) time? They probably don't even understand what i meant when i said that today would be my last day and I'll not be here anymore when school reopens. Yes, they crowded around me when i said my 'goodbye speech' but i suppose the packets of biscuit in my hands acted as the bait. Lol.
I had my fair share of obedient, naughty as well as initially obedient kids. hahah. Had enough of running after kids, catching kids in class to make sure that they sit down for lesson, wearing their underwear/pants/shoes for them so i guess i'm happy that I can finally take a break! No more waking up at 5.30am everyday even though i don't have to go to school. No more falling sick more frequently than before because of kids sneezing or coughing in my face! Yay, BREAK TIME!! It's ironic how i was one of the first to say that I want to leave that place but ended up staying the longest.
K so here comes the photos! Huipei was telling me she took Eighteen photos with the kids today, and I replied that I think I took Eighty. Turns out I took 120!! I have more than 150 photos of the kids in total now!
Enjoy the photos but let me warn you that looks are deceiving. They may look cute but you never know... (hahaha)
This little girl is Isabella and she's the most obedient girl ever. I fell in love with her since the first day of school cause she's so independent and has never cried for Mama + she's cute! I love her big eyes!

Ryan is the rather mature for his age.

Yi Xuan likes to play.

Xin Ru is the only (half) ang moh in class. She has a bit of a temper and attitude and sometimes she'll give you some deadly stare which is actually quite scary.

Ryan and Yang Zhi. Yang Zhi's left eye is not functioning well but other than that he's perfectly fine. He may be v nuah nuah( soft) sometimes, lazing around and refusing to speak and refusing to do his work but i still find him adorable. He sticks to me in class everyday, haha. I asked him if he'll miss me after i'm gone and he nodded his head! I'm so touched!

Ouuuuuuu, this innocent looking boy is DANGEROUS. Throughout the past few months he had pulled my hair, tried to kill me by strangling me, pinched me, bit me, took away my spectacles, flattened my -- by hugging me so tightly intentionally, molested me and then tried to look innocent. He got us teachers into so much trouble because he will injure someone almost everyday. zzz. Hui pei and many other people think that he's cute. Let me emphasize that HE IS NOT CUTE AT ALL. hahhaa.

MIN YEN! is another adorable girl. She eats a lot, like 4 servings every meal, and so she's kinda round (lol) but really cute! She's v good tempered, whenever people snatch her toys she'll just give it to them and she refers to everybody as her friend. hahaha.

Emma is a demure little girl who can get quite loud sometimes especially when she's singing but at other times she'll be sitting down quietly, listening to teachers.

MY FAVOURITE HANDSOME BOY HAS GROWN, HASN'T HE? He's even more handsome now! Oh man, no more handsome boy to look at everyday. hahahha.

WA WA WA. LOOK AT THAT INNOCENT FACE! Why is it that the naughty kids in my class ALL have innocent faces!? DON'T TRUST THAT LOOK, he can drive you crazy.

Wen Yi ahhhhh, mature but immature.

This is Gabrielle and SHE IS REALLY PRETTY! plus she's intelligent too. We were in the gym today and she actually told her friend "Move, man!" hahahah. And some weeks ago one kid did something rather funny and she went "oh my goodness!(slaps her forehead)" Can you imagine a 3 year old talking like that?! She's a funny little girl.

I complaint that I can't see Yi xuan's eyes when he's smiling and he did this :

I find this photo quite funny, you can see Min Yen running towards the camera from behind. And HAHA gabrielle's facial expression!


I'm so tired from uploading the photos. Guess that's about all that i'll upload.
JAM'S concert's tmr and it's weird that I'm not feeling excited or anything. I wonder how am i going to scream tomorrow with a throat so sore though. :( Hopefully it gets better tmr!
Anyway i'm still deciding if i should go to Bangkok on Sunday! Ahhhhhh, risky!