Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 7:09 AM
Random photos for a random post ~
Pt was so boring that we started playing with a box we found beside the volleyball courts....

But the poor box got ripped apart after the both of them tried to squeeze into it together. hahaha. Anyway Yngtyng looks so cute here!
I have no idea what Galvin's trying to do.

And Jillian walked from school to coronation plaza in this weird christmas socks+havaianas combi after training. LOL

Vball girls are real fun to be with, & i can't wait for tmr's training! I haven't trained for like almost 500 years Lol, need to train hard for A div mannnnn!
Vball girls are real fun to be with, & i can't wait for tmr's training! I haven't trained for like almost 500 years Lol, need to train hard for A div mannnnn!
I have no idea what Galvin's trying to do.

& I took this while mugging at my study table a few days ago(my table's next to my window), it was so pretty that I couldn't resist not capturing it.

Told you it'll be a random post. =/