Sunday, January 11, 2009 @ 6:01 AM
The fact that school's starting TOMORROW totally ruined my mood to blog, but I think I really should blog about this very very memorable Taiwan trip with my uber fun vball team!

We departed at 8.30am for Taiwan last week. Truthfully, I wasn't very sure if i would enjoy the trip cause I didn't really know Zoe and Jaya(our seniors) before the trip since i only joined the team after they left. But within the first day i realised they are such funny and cute people and I felt really comfortable with them around. \O/

First match! where we lost. Lol. But we won the 2nd and 3rd matches against other schools!
On the way to xi men ting, if i rem correctly.

This is the baby boy of our teacher in charge and he's really cute!


And guess what! I facebooked Yiting and realised that she stays rather near to my hotel! So we met up and went shopping for a while on the day I had some free time.

I LOVE HER!! She's so cute, right right right!
2nd match, Spot me! haha. We're exchanging presents in this photo. We felt quite bad cause all the schools gave us rather decent gifts but we only prepared some of our school badges for them zzz.
Yiting joined us for training on that day too!! How cool is that! She fell in love with Zoe cause she thinks zoe's too cool and pro. hahah. From then on Zoe became Yiting's hero. hahaha
We had free and easy on the 2nd last day, so we took their bus and mrt to xi men ting and di xia jie. And oh ya, we saw hei she hui's yao yao on the mrt, she was sitting just directly opp us. Her brother is really cute but she's not v pretty. hahah.

She can kiap the chip using her eyes!! hahah. Anyway, the chip is for our mrt trip and it works just like ezlink, we just tap it and enter the station!
Focus on the background! Zoe and Jaya are reallyyyyyyyy cute! But Yng tyng is v cute too! hehehe
We started playing games on thursday night cause there will not be training on friday so we could afford to sleep later. We played until all of us feng diao like mad people seriously la cause the games jillian taught us were all damn funny. Then they decided to have forfeits for it and whoever who loses 10 points first will have to take photo with a guy and for dk what reason they were damn excited to make me lose cause they want to see me take photo the guy i'm supposed to take with. And for dk what reason again i suddenly jumped from 2 to 5 points after a trip to the toilet and i think i had bad luck or something so i lost. zzzz
Sooo, wo zhi hao hou zhe lian pi go and ask him for a photo........
After that we proceeded back to our hotel to get our luggages and to the airport, aww.

We started playing games again at the airport and became damn high. Anyway, Zoe's expression is hilarious, she makes it seem like the persimmon is watching pon.
We celebrated Jillian's birthday at Changi airport before we headed home.
I feel like going back to taiwan with them now. I feel much more bonded to the team now and I really regret not joining vball earlier, wonder how much fun i missed out. But anyway,