Hey there Singapore.
Saturday, November 15, 2008 @ 6:51 PM
(& i seriously abhor China.)
Most of them squeeze and push as if they are rushing for reincarnation and they spit everywhere. The worst thing is toilets which are situated in the rural areas have no doors and you can smell them from 50m away. They don't even have toilet bowls and you have to do your business in some sort of drain. If you really need the loo all you have to do is to take a deep breath, do a 50m dash in, do your business and do another 50m dash out. I really appreciate the clean toilets in Singapore now. Singaporeans are also such nice people!
Okay let's begin!
Day 1
The first first first sight seeing venue we visited is De Tian waterfall.
This waterfall is situated at the border that separates China and Vietnam. 1/3 of it belongs to Vietnam while the other 2/3 belongs to China, quite cool right.
I forgot what is this place in Nan ning is called but you can find the Singapore flag there! Delegates from different countries will gather to hold conferences here.
Day 2
After that we took a 5 hrs bus ride to GuiLin.
Day 3
We visited fu po shan which was rather pretty. There are many carvings of poems by famous poets in the past, some slightly erroded after standing for a few hundred years .
There's a legend about why there is this small gap in between the stones where my hands are. It's said that there was this very strong soldier who stuck it with his sword and divided the stone into two. Ha ha, so pow-derful la. Taken from the top of the cave( It's not a very big cave)
We then visited a village to look at their way of life and to have lunch.
Pretty Night view of Guilin. It's really mesmerizing but too bad my cam sucks at night and it failed to capture anything better than this.
Day 4
Another lake, another lake.
These two pagodas which are built on the lake are called yue ri ta, meaning one represents night and the other, day. Aiya nothing special la, one of Chung cheng's classroom blocks also stands on the chung cheng lake.
Shopping!! Finally. But you can only find sweaters and all the winter clothings there, which are not of much use in Singapore.
Day 6
Merryland theme park, escape theme park is nothing compared to this, actually escape theme park is nothing compared to everything. The third person there is my grandmother by the way. hahaha.
Next : Shi Wai Tao Yuan.
We boarded a boat and took a little tour down the river around the island.
Day 7
Next : Li Jiang
This river is really breath-taking and the mist really enhanced the beauty of the scenery. We boarded a boat again, and off we go!
Finally, the last cave - yin shi yan ( Silver cave or something like that)
It got its name cause some of it's limestones sparkle like silver when light is shone on it.

My sis is really retarded.

Day 8
We visited our last scenic spot before we went off to the airport. This very last lake we visited is a man-made lake in a park and is the only lake in the vicinity.
That's our tour guide.
& off to the airport and to Singapore!
Anyway, something very amazing happened in the airport - my headband changed colour!!Lol. It's supposed to be black, but when i took it out from my bag i realised it's brown and i got a shock. But when i brought it near the window it turned black again. I can't blame the lights cause the lights were not on at all since it's bright and sunny. So amazing right! haha haha. Up till now i still can't figure out what happened.