Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 8:08 AM
Yo, I love 4bn.
Went to school feeling quite happy cause there's no lessons today and cause I'll be meeting 4bn later in the morning!!
I wanted to leave hc after the mass dance at like 9am, cause Surong told me that the people from Rj will be going down to chung cheng at about 10 plus, but i stayed for the concert in the end. I don't regret staying cause it was quite entertaining.
Photos with 08s7c:



And most of the girls of 08s7c ( lynette looks damn nerdy here)

The casts of 12 lotus came down to Hwa chong and put up a small performance. They were quite funny, esp the Liu ling ling or something like that. She was like, " My english little bit, hokkien no limit" and she said that 12 lotus is a v interesting movie cause she's acting as qi yi wu's girlfriend OMG hahahah. They sang a few songs and I'm quite addicted to the " if i have one million dollars" song hahah.

Then the teachers put up a performace too. That's Chris Ho(my ct) and ong wei jian preparing to fight, cause they are supposed to act as rebellious students.

Then Chris Ho attempted to punch ong wei jian hahaha. I couldn't stop laughing cause it's damn funny. And for dk what reason ong wei jian kept hopping around.

Chris ho is really farrrrrrnie.
&& beloved 4BN!!
Mr Dava! ( he still loves us a lot and insisted that we take photos with him hahaha)

And Mrs Indraaaaaaaa!!

Mr Dava requested for a photo with students from all the different JCs, and since i'm the only one from Hwa chong I took a photo with him alone! hahahah.

I srsly dk what Surong is trying to do, and hey xinying!

We spotted Raistlina and immediately forced her to take a photo with us hahah.

Then 4bn went on an excursion. Hahah no la, just for a walk around the lake.

Go back to chungcheng = must take photos of the lake, cause I love chung cheng lake.

Jump shotssss. It's best to hide behind so people can't see you, in case you have a constipated face. hahahah.

And this is Xining trying to fly. Vera looks like she's saying " come here laaaaa"

Suankai is floating.

We were really united today and it made me love 4bn even more.
After touring the school we went for a class lunch at pastamania and then Surong, Vera and i went to xy's place for Mahjongggg. I haven't played for so long and maybe that explains why I only won 1 or 2 games. But i still enjoyed being with them cause there's always a lot of things for us to laugh about when we are together.
Okay, i shall end off with one last photo of
my 4bn.