Friday, July 25, 2008 @ 6:49 AM
Let the photos do the talking.

I wonder why some people around me now are so self-centered. This is the first time I'm having this kind of feeling because this time round, there are so many people around who solely care about themselves, so many people who place themselves above the rest. They feel no obligation to spare a thought for the people around them when they carry out an action, they take people around them for granted but go missing whenever you need their assistance. Sometimes I really cannot stand it, but I can't bring myself to be angry( for a long time) at some people, so I guess I just have to bear with it. Thankfully there are some nice people around who make me feel that the environment I'm in isn't that bad after all. I really hope some people will change cause it will make life a lot easier, but I don't think I can do much about it.
I find that it is getting increasingly difficult for me to accept what my elder sister does. She is so selfish that she is turning into a mental case. She actually told my grandma to go back to her house and not stay at our house because she wants to be alone at home. If she wishes to be alone she should just move out.zzz We dont enjoy staying with her at all. I prefer to have my grandma here so much more.
She visits the toilet like 20 times (18 times just to wash her hands for no reason) everyday and takes 1.5hr to bathe each time, twice everyday. The worst thing is, I share the same toilet as her. She washes her hands so many times as if she is v clean but her room is nothing but a pile of shit. All the food wrappers, drink bottles and all the other rubbish piled on her table. I can't stand being in her room for more than 1 min and normally, i try to hold my breath inside her room cause I'm afraid i'll inhale some bacteria. She cannot sit with us on the sofa because we are supposedly ' dirty' to her and if we accidentally touch her she will need to go and wash her hands like some clean freak which is quite contradicting since her hygiene is damn bad.
I know I should not badmouth my sister like that but I really cannot stand it when she told my grandma to go home, how unfilial can she get? She don't even feel guilty to tell a 70 year old to go home alone at night ( journey home takes about 1 hr by bus) just because she wishes to be alone.( there are many other incidents which i dont think i should name here) I really can't imagine her becoming a social worker in the future. I think she need to council herself first instead.
Sry for this v disorganized post and the sudden change of mood from the first to the second part.