Sunday, October 12, 2008 @ 2:46 AM
HAHAH I found this photo while looking through my files.

Went out with Xy on Friday and went home feeling broke. Cause other than buying my own stuff I had to shop for 3 other birthday presents. I only managed to get 2/3 of them in the end though. Caught the house bunny to waste time since Xy had to meet her classmates only at abt 6 plus and it's really bimbotic and hilarious.
Saturday was present seeking day. Met Minghan and Liktak to seek for my present , cause they claimed that they totally did not know what to get for me. Walked a few rounds ard marina square before finally deciding what to get. Played photo hunt, and that machine's totally for lao ti koh cause photos of ugly and supposedly 'sexy' women kept showing up zzz. Watched eagle eye which seriously sucked. I ended up sleeping, Minghan ended up playing patapon, lik tak ended up watching minghan play patapon. (oh yea, i discovered how fun patapon is finally, lol)
Tmr's chung cheng grad day and i'm gg back. But I heard they're not gg to give us money?! >:( I WANT MONEY!! I WANT MONEY!!
Hopefully I can take more photos tmr and post them up to brighten up my rather dull blog ;D