Sunday, June 29, 2008 @ 7:15 AM
(I think the number of readers I have left is near to 0 now)
Yay exams are overrr!
Though the results will be agonizing but at least.... I don't have to mug like crazy.
Visited chungcheng(again) last friday, after my last killer Bio paper, with Surong, vera, yiting and xinying. Met xie shern, mun wee and some other ppl there. Went to look for some teachers and talked a bit before we took a slow walk around the chung cheng lake under the scorching sun which caused us to melt. Anyway, I think Mr Dava still loves us a lot lol, cause he kept telling us to go up to his office for i dk what reason. He probably got a pay rise because of our literature results last year, hahah. Or maybe he's just a v nice teacher, though i only grew to like him a bit more after i left chung cheng.

Then...... I went to meet Ningy cause students from Raffles are real busy people. Lol, yiting, vera, xinying and surong (all from Raffles), all had something on after that.
I love going out with Ningy a lot cause we can always go for nice food and she's so nice and all such that I can shop with her without getting this very restricted feeling I get sometimes when I go shopping with some other people.

She changed her hairstyle and dyed her hair. lol, coool!
Went to vivo to give Julia a birthday surprise on Sunday though she didn't seem like she's surprised when she saw us waiting for her outside the toilet. But oh well, Julia we hope you like the bouquet of flowers! You must like them, cause I bought it!!! bahaha.
This is a super funny photo of Galvin. I wanted to take a photo of Galvin and Debbie but tall Galvin totally blocked Debbie.

Sigh, school is a waste of time tmr and I want to meet up with s09 soon!! hah, just some random thoughts before i end my post.(: