Tuesday, May 06, 2008 @ 4:46 AM
Yay today was quite a fun day.
Fell sick (on purpose) with lynette and debbie during Gp and went off to King Albert's park for breakfast. Debbie was reluctant to leave school at first, cause she claimed that as the Gp rep she should set a good example, but in the end, hai shi bei wo men shuo fu le. heheh.
So we attempted to sneak out of school. Came up with a great plan(lol) which is that we should walk alone and pretend that we don't know each other. Our plan wasn't that great after all cause in the end only lynette managed to get out, Debbie and I were stopped by the security guard. zzzz. The security guard was like 'Do you have the green form? No green form cannot go out. If you want to go out, go to another gate where i cannot see you, then I will not stop you.' hahah quite funny, so we went to another gate at the high school side and managed to get out at last.
We finished breakfast at ard 11.30 and realised that we still had time for a movie then, since we only need to go back to school at 1.30 for Econs make up. So we ran down to cold storage and grabbed a newspaper to check the timings for Ironman. We stood there, flipped the papers, messed it all up, and after checking the timings we tried to fold it back neatly and placed it back on the shelf again, a bit trying to be funny only. Lol. Okay, so the timings weren't really appropriate but we really wanted to watch, so we started playing scissors paper stone. Like, if you win then we go that kinda thing haaaa. Although fate decided that we should not go, we persisted until Debbie won me at the last round and then convinced ourselves that we should go, but watch Nim's Island instead of Iron man. So we rushed back down to Cold storage and bought the newspaper in the end. Then a taxi stopped by just as we were checking the timings, and lynette climbed into it immediately, pulling me along, though we had not confirmed that there's a suitable movie timing yet. So lynette went,' uncle uncle dui bu qi, wo men yi ding hui qu de, zhi shi yao check na ge timing er yi, uncle sorry ah sorry.....' haaahahah. In the end both of us went out of the taxi, with lynette apologizing profusely to the taxi driver, cause there ain't a suitable timing at all. Damn malu & funny laaaaaaaaaa. I think we stood there and laughed for 5 minutes.
So, we decided that we should go and watch it after school in the end and that we should just stand up and walk out of the classroom at 2.30 cause Iron man at Plaza Singapura starts at 2.45pm. The class was punctual and we managed to reach on time. &&& IRON MAN IS REALLY COOL, ALL OF YOU SHOULD GO AND WATCH IT!! It's something like transformers, and I quite enjoy these kinda movies. I'm going to watch speed racer next.
This is quite a lengthy post hah, maybe cause I'm quite free today. No test, no homework and everything that's due tmr. Been quite long since i felt so carefree.
Some random photos to brighten up this long and (probably boring to some of you) post:
{edit} -photo deleted due to extreme ugliness-