And I'm still aliveeeee yay.
Though my camp at perak was kinda scary but I'm feeling quite sad that it's all over now. I feel like going back cause it's so fun but I dont want to go back cause it's scary, haaa. At least I experienced so many things that I'd nv done before.
We set off with about 15 girls, 3 guys and 2 teachers and reached ipoh at about 5 in the morning where we wasted time at Macdonald's until around 8 before we left for the cave.

Caving was quite fun on the whole. We had to climb up about 600 steps to the top of the cave and I almost died after that cause I was still sick and I only slept about 1 hr on the bus cause i suffer from insomnia, hah. The cave's filled with interesting formations of limestones, which look like monkey, lady, car, batman, ghost, heart, horse, goat, dragon etc. After all the steps we proceeded to the wet part of the cave, where we had to climb down some scary place with no railings or whatever to hold on and it was quite slippery and if you fall, you'll go straight down. Damn dangerous and scary!! But I survived haa. The first part of the wet part was still okay cause we can walk upright and the water level's quite low, but after that the hole got smaller till we practically had to crawl with our whole body submerged in the water. It's quite painful cause all those rocks underneath are quite rough. After crawling for about 1 hr we finally completed our trail. I didn't take any photos cause I didn't bring my camera with me into the cave.
After that we were transported on a lorry, like pigs to the slaughter house , to the waterfall for abseiling.
Look at Ms liew behind! She's really cuteee!! hahah.
& here!
& here!!
I didn't take any photo of the waterfall either.
We had to climb up to the top of the waterfall before we abseiled down the gushing water. I went down with Julia and it was quite funny cause I lost my balance at the beginning and after i regained my balance, julia fell and she was like swinging from one side to another. Lol. I had a cut on my knee after that, quite unlucky based on the fact that i was the only one who was injured. zzz
It was white water rafting after that, I seriously almost died there. lol I fell off the raft like twice. The first time was when our raft hit a rock and everybody fell to my side of the raft and I fell out. Only I felt out, really really suay, but quite lucky that i held on to the rope and the instructor pulled me up. I dk why but i was laughing when i fell out cause i think it's quite funny. Then the second time was when our instructor told us to all move to one side of the raft when we were passing through some rocks and then our raft capsized. I was damn scared cause I was trapped under the raft and i couldnt get out. Then just as I was running out of air and thought i was going to die, I managed to push myself out of it and was saved by lam, who pulled me up into his raft. So i survived again!! After that i had phobia of falling off cause it was such a near death experience. I dont think I'll want to go rafting again in the near future. We returned to our ulu campsite after that and bathed with clothes on in a common toilet with no roof.
The next day started off with a 1hr plus trek to the hill where we were supposed to find rafflesia flowers and a trek up the hill filled with leeches. Some parts of the hill were so steep that we had to use a rope to pull ourselves up and it's damn tiring. We did that for about 100 metres uphill and by the time we reached some flat land i was already fainting and the worst thing was there was no rafflesia, only a rafflesia bud. A single pathetic bud which i wasn't interested in. The guide told us that we have to climb another 30min uphill if we want to see the flower but some of us are alr dying so we went back down. The whole journey took about 2 hrs and I suffered from 4 leech bites, disgusting.

After that we went back to ipoh and had free and easy. We stayed at this ulu budget hotel.
We went shopping and had ipoh horfun, tao gei and chicken for dinner as a group. We walked around and saw funny shops like 'eleven eleven' instead of 'seven eleven' before we went to have our rainbow lolo dessert + fried lala. It's quite a weird combi but the lala was quite tasty.

The 3 guys with us were damn funny cause they were quite gay and timid. One of the gay-er guys actually screamed when he found a leech on his ankle. And throughout the trip they kept disturbing Mr Lam, calling him lam and saying words like Lamborghini, lamly burger(adapted from Ramly burger), alarm clock etc and they really sounded funny + a lot of many other random things they said. It's so coincidental that on our way back we saw this ' Lam's abalone soup' shop hahah. 3 gay guys. Though it's dark, but try to notice the right guy's leg.
We took some photos in the hotel before checking out : Debbie lost her balance haaaah.

The guys stuffed a disposable underwear into the aircon cause it was too strong. I found it super funny when they suddenly took a underwear out and stuffed it in.
Okay, i shall end this post with a photo of the four of us.
I realised I've been thinking of you all these while,
I realised , I miss you.