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Friday, August 31, 2007 @ 5:25 AM
Irresponsible, irritating, stupid, Si Tek Kor Carbon Chloride who doesn't even knows how to speak english obviously has a short term memory like a gold fish's and needs a pair of spectacle because he can't see us even though we are standing at the middle of the parade square. This is so infuriating, he spoilt my last teacher's day in Chung Cheng.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007 @ 6:19 AM
The slamming of a door startled me 4am in the morning. I froze and waited, to make sure what i heard was real. Someone slammed it again, and again, and again. Three times in a row, it was him, i knew it. It is not the first time. Vivid scenes of what happened 4 years ago unfolded in my mind, it was etched so deeply that i could remember as if it happened just yesterday night. It was a fear i was able to suppress for the past few years, but at that precise moment i heard him slam the door, a surfeit of fear engulfed me. His depression is overcoming him again. He attempted to enter one room by twisting the door knob furiously. I knew it, i could hear it. It is the room of the woman he had once loved, but now love had faded and hatred is all that is left. He is unable to enter, it is locked. The woman had locked it to prevent him from entering again. I could tell she is afraid of what he might do to her, he had even threaten to kill her. Her brave front is just a facade. It was another futile attempt to enter the room. He went back to his room, slamming his door shut behind him. I jumped. I realised that i had been clutching my blanket all along and my fingers were numb from it. Silence reigned after that once more and everything seemed so peaceful, but my mind was in a whirl, a stark contrast to the surrounding. And all of these kept me awake throughout the rest of the night. Pondering about when all this will come to an end.
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Friday, August 24, 2007 @ 8:22 AM
I can't forget the embarrassing moment i had on bus today. Omg, I can't believe it actually happened. x.x Surong, Xinying and me were on a bus heading towards Sing post for lunch, and Sr doesn't want to hold the poles because she thinks that it's dirty and thousand of ppl had held it before. So when the bus jerked she lost her balance and grabbed my hand, hoping that probably i'll have a lower centre of gravity and will be more stable. At first i was still able to balance, but the bus jerked again and both of us lurched forward. Omg, i think it's damn hilarious.x.x Everybody moved aside to avoid us, hopeless, and Surong ended up on someone's lap.! According to Xy, one moment we were in front of her and the other moment we disappeared. I couldn't stop laughing after that because i find it really amusing,wahahah. Surong brings laughter, although it's kinda embarrassing, and the bus was quite packed at that time. x.x Eng Lang paper on Monday! Scarrrrry.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007 @ 7:26 AM
 Xy looks so sad. x.x  Xinying makes a good boyfriend. ^^
Fawning over someone isn't going to work, sucka. Making ppl hate you is your forte, and i'm disgusted at everything abt you.
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Sunday, August 19, 2007 @ 2:59 AM
I took one whole day to complete one chapter of Geog yesterday. Am i fast or what x.x And yeah, there's school tmr. zzzzzzzz Can die. I went to catch fireworks yesterday at Mount Faber. We spent some time circling the roads ard that area before we finally found the way up the mysteriously hidden hill and found a vantage spot to admire the scenery. The view up there of Singapore's really pretty with all the lited skyscrapers and buildings.  It's suppose to commerce at 9 but it only started at ard 9.20. And the view wasn't good at all, blame it on Singapore's rapid development, cause there's this tall hotel blocking most of it.  This is the best i can catch. I think i wasted the whole day yesterday. I should had stayed at home and uphold Bn's reputation as a nerd. And my bangla friend who has a smoker's cough is not online. x.x
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Friday, August 17, 2007 @ 6:41 AM
Hello everybody, It's friday.! I had intensive ballet lessons this week, which took up 3/5 of my weekdays and will take up my sunday morning. After all these lessons, i realised that i really have to put in more effort, i need to be more flexible.! So i've decided, i'll devote 1-2hr each day to stretching each day. x.x School was pretty much similar to last week, except that it's getting more and more hectic due to the nearing of prelims(!!) but it's getting more and more vapid too. Photos: She disgraced me by showing the whole class how badly i fared for my compo on thursday. She should had at least covered my name ok. zzz But i think our class still loves her, or rather her lessons, cause it's one of the slackiest. (Anyway, the arrow's supposed to be pointing to her instead of lixiang.=\)    She's v irritated  Another off-focus photo( Arrow points to the sleeping beauty)  And this is our magnificent Chung Cheng on a Rainy day
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Friday, August 10, 2007 @ 1:49 AM
Yesterday was Singapore's birthday, as well as my mum's birthday. So we had sort of a family gathering cum birthday celebration for my mum at my aunt's house. And i can conclude that aunties can't start the fire for a bbq because my aunts took about 2 hrs to get it done.=/ Here are the photos:
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Thursday, August 09, 2007 @ 3:17 PM
hullo everybody. It's like 0316am now & i'm stuck at my aunt's house at a place far far away called Jurong. x.x I miss home. lol.
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007 @ 10:50 PM
The hardwork finally paid off when we won ourselves The Most Patriotic Class Award and Overall Winner for Secondary 4 girls for x-country. 4Bn went crazy instantly when we realised that we had won the Most Patriotic Class Award, which was what the class had been aiming for ever since we knew about this competition. WE WON WE WON. !!!
Here are the photos :   Kong xs with his "very unique" form of our class tee.  Class lunch at Macs  The bunch of wonderful people. I LOVE MY CLASS MAN, I LOVE 4BN!
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Friday, August 03, 2007 @ 9:36 AM
This week passed really quickly. It's alr friday! Omg. Time really needs to slow down. Ok anyway, this week was quite enjoyable even though there was a hell lot of work to be completed and a few tests. The Miss Quek incident was really funny and yeah i had a good laugh during a maths lesson today because someone's sleeping posture was really comical.LOL, right Surong? ( though i dont think she will read my blog) Random pictures :  Everybody loves Xinying.!  & Everybody loves Yiting too!  I'm so sorry Xy, i really didn't mean to take a photo with you and Gw in it tgt. LOL    