Friday, May 11, 2007 @ 5:53 AM
Had a mini 4Bn outing today.
We met up at 10 in the morning and walked over to ECP. So many chungcheng-rians are there at ECP today, we saw ppl from 4hm, 4fg and some from lower sec.
We started off by skating. It's my first try, and i can say it was kinda fun, minus the times i couldn't balance and ended up looking very awkward. LOL. Rollar Skating's just like ice skating, but i prefer ice skating though, maybe cause i prefer falling on ice. hahaha.
We took some photos after we skated.

After that we sat under some coconut trees and had our picnic. We wanted to carry out our experiment on the 'influential power of a group' and so we came out with a plan. We then went over to where the 4Hmians are, where they are trying to bury junwei's feet, and surrounded them Then wengsiong pointed up towards to sky, and we are supposed to look up as if there's some weird creature/UFO there. We did, but they did not respond as what we expected, which is to look up with us, and continued burying Junwei's leg, so we immediately walked away, dejected, or rather not wanting to embarrass ourselves further. hahah.

After our picnic, wengsiong came up with the idea of going to Esplanade and to take photos along the Singapore river.(lol) So we walked back to parkway and on the way there we got really high - sugar rush. The result of too much soft drinks. We did A capella, using Pringles tin, empty bottles and our voices as instruments. We busked all the way to Parkway from east coast park.
The sugar rush died down when we reached explanade, because we are supposed to act high class in that kinda high class place. lol. We got really emo. Moods depend on the environment you are in, really. Cheri spotted this word "emotion", just as we were feeling emo and so i took a photo of it, emo
tion. =\

i seriously have no idea what he's trying to do.

Lihui doesn't look emo.
We actually wanted to busk here, but we realised there's not many people around, except a few sleeping. So we decided we should slack. Took a few more photos but it's all in guowei's camera, will upload them after i get it from him.

Went up to the rooftop garden of esplanade, i didn't even know there's a rooftop garden there.

Anyway, i edited this post but f blogger had a error processing it. f, nvmmmm, i think this will do
Labels: 4bn rocks