Monday, June 01, 2009 @ 1:44 AM
People are never satisfied with their lives,
It's funny how insensitive they can get by complaining about how screwed-up their lives are without considering what the others are going through or had been through. It's like complaining to someone with lousy results about how your results suck when you're top in school, complaining about how getting champions for whatever cca you're in is crap when people like us are dying to get it. I think we tend to forget what we've accomplished as we're too focused on competition and comparison, so engrossed with it that we continue with it even without a reason. We often dwell on our weaknesses, belittle ourselves, thinking that we're not as good as someone else, not as successful, not as good-looking, not as intelligent..... But no one is good in everything.
We constantly attempt to strive for the best,but if we're never satisfied with what we already have we can never achieve and become the best.