Stayed back in school till 8 pm on tuesday, though I had a terrible headache, to prepare for arts festival performance on Wendesday. I volunteered as backstage crew so that i can earn some cip hours, and i'm unlucky enough to be sick. Be fortunately back stage was quite slack, cause we only had to go out to move some chairs for the performacers a few times and we can just slack around or peep through the curtains to look at the performance, like this :
Stayed back till 9 plus on Wednesday for arts fest which was quite successful cause the number of people who turned up exceeded expectation( we expected 2 people to turn up). Chris Ho, who's my form teacher and the teacher in charge of this arts fest decided to treat us to ice cream after that, but I went home instead cause I had a headache(again) and sore throat and cough and flu.
Anyway i took this artistic shot of the auditorium after arts fest haha, though not very artistic.
School as usual, looked forward to Friday cause it's the last day of school.
Last day of school hurray! But school wasn't too good as it lasted from 8am to 5.30pm. Today marks the last day of Ong wei jian being our chemistry teacher. My class bought him an adidas bag to try to instill some essence of coolness in him, we also wrote him 2 cards, filled with whatever we wish to tell him. I bet he'll cry after reading it haa. Photos :
{edit} more photos of owj

Played pictionary during Ct which was quite fun cause you see people getting exasperating and doing funny actions like jumping about and flapping their arms when we are not able to guess what they drew.
We, or rather me, julia, debbie and lynette, continued being hyper during joel tee's lesson which was the last lesson of the day, the week, and the term, and we just couldn't stop talking and fooling ard. So joel tee got quite pissed with us and kept telling us to concentrate, which we obviously can't. Julia and i started playing this " guess where it comes from" game, where we will take a picture of something each and ask each other what is that thing in the picture. Examples of photos:
And Julia drew this REALLY funny picture of someone in my class.
And I took close up photos of zehong, who was sitting beside me. Julia also drew pictures of him, with his long eye lashes and tweety bird cheeks.hahah
This is him cutting his nails during joel tee's lesson lol.
As usual joel tee dragged his lessons for another 1/2 hr so lik tak and I were unable to go down for og 24 gathering.zzz
2 more days to perak! I'm quite afraid that i'll not recover from my cough in time, but i must! i must!! And i'm afraid that i'll get heatstroke in perak cause the weather's so damn warm nowadays. So warm that I'm sweating as I'm typing this. I shall escape into my room after this, which has some cool air waiting for me lol. But I cannot escape in perak zzz, please don't be so warm over there, please! Other than that, i'm quite looking forward to a fun filled experience there, though not the people. =/
Till then, bye!