Sunday, August 19, 2007 @ 2:59 AM
I took one whole day to complete one chapter of Geog yesterday. Am i fast or what x.x
And yeah, there's school tmr. zzzzzzzz Can die.
I went to catch fireworks yesterday at Mount Faber. We spent some time circling the roads ard that area before we finally found the way up the mysteriously hidden hill and found a vantage spot to admire the scenery. The view up there of Singapore's really pretty with all the lited skyscrapers and buildings.
It's suppose to commerce at 9 but it only started at ard 9.20. And the view wasn't good at all, blame it on Singapore's rapid development, cause there's this tall hotel blocking most of it.
I think i wasted the whole day yesterday. I should had stayed at home and uphold Bn's reputation as a nerd.
And my bangla friend who has a smoker's cough is not online. x.x