Friday, August 17, 2007 @ 6:41 AM
Hello everybody,
It's friday.!
I had intensive ballet lessons this week, which took up 3/5 of my weekdays and will take up my sunday morning. After all these lessons, i realised that i really have to put in more effort, i need to be more flexible.! So i've decided, i'll devote 1-2hr each day to stretching each day. x.x
School was pretty much similar to last week, except that it's getting more and more hectic due to the nearing of prelims(!!) but it's getting more and more vapid too.
She disgraced me by showing the whole class how badly i fared for my compo on thursday. She should had at least covered my name ok. zzz
But i think our class still loves her, or rather her lessons, cause it's one of the slackiest.
(Anyway, the arrow's supposed to be pointing to her instead of lixiang.=\)