Saturday, November 25, 2006 @ 5:24 AM

Hi all, my name is Carina. i am 3 years old.

hey, that looks nice. i wanna try!

Give me the whole packet!

hahaha, i love
Doritos. munch munch.

oops, you saw me doing that?

hey, am i sexy?

let me strike a sexier pose.

cat woman!

i think i will grow up to be a professional model. sexaye.

or maybe i should be the 2nd liang po po.

cheeseeee, i am cute.

Lastly, i love cassandra jie jie.

But cassandra jie jie is weird. X(
im sorry everyone, but im toooooo high today cause (&^%$ msged me.
he's cute, damn cute.hahahahaha